About Us & Our C+V Declaration

Community + Values is proud to be a part of the Human Resources & Inclusive Community (HRIC) division. Our staff and Steering Committee is made up DU community members committed to our mission of creating and sustaining a deep sense of belonging and inclusion for all, including students, staff, faculty, alumni, parents and families, DU neighbors, and beyond. Click below to learn more about our C+V declaration, team, and Steering Committee members.

Interested in getting involved as a Steering Committee member? Email CommunityPlusValues@bestcookingbooks.com

C+V Declaration   |   C+V Team   |   C+V Steering Committee

C+V Declaration

At the University of Denver, we are steeped in the belief that DU has the responsibility and power to:

  • Solve complex problems
  • Engage multiple perspectives
  • Nourish democracy
  • Foster greater belonging
  • Show compassion beyond boundaries
  • Shape the future of our world

We also believe that DU has yet to fully activate that power.

We have heard our community and are mindful of the experiences that divide, isolate and stand in the way of OneDU: 

  • We, the University of Denver, exist in a world charged with emotions that range from fear to passion, indignation to inspiration.
  • More often than we would like, we feel exhausted and lonely.
  • We feel connected to some pieces of DU, but not to the whole.
  • We’re a complex system of schools, departments and various layers of hierarchy, and we can be tentative and self-protective in our collaborations with one another.
  • We have been hurt by inequity and divided by words, yet we yearn for a greater sense of belonging.
  • Many of us are not sure we have a seat at the tables where we long to be.
  • Some of us feel we cannot share who we are and what we believe without retribution.

AND STILL, we will not be defined by these experiences because the world needs us to show up and play a leading role in determining the future of work, higher education and community in the 21st century. We are at a moment in history where, as a nation and as a higher education institution, we are called to reimagine everything. And so, we shall.

C+V Staff

Doers. Connectors. Amplifiers. Click a name to learn more!

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C+V Steering Committee

The heartbeat and guiding force of our community-based approach

See below to check out what inspires some of our Steering Committee members to do this community-based work and to see our full Steering Committee list!

Angelika Achoy headshot photo

Angelika Achoy

Daniels College of Business; Research Aide, Pardee Center and DEI President

I wanted to help make a difference as well as to impact student life.

Feben headshot photo

Feben Berhe

Deputy Equal Opportunity Coordinator/Senior Investigator, EOIX

I joined to support the mission of creating a more inclusive environment for students and staff. As a Black woman, I joined to further inclusion of students, faculty, and staff from underrepresented groups.

Meg Dimsa headshot photo

Meghan Dimsa, she/her

Meghan Dimsa, Executive Director of Strategy and Communication, SAIE

Being in higher education for over 20 years at both public and private institutions, I believe in the power of community and the importance of fostering a campus environment that reflects our shared values. As part of this committee, I look forward to learning from so many talented faculty, students, and staff to continue DU's collective mission, vision, and values.

Shira Good headshot photo

Shira Good

Associate Vice Chancellor of Communications & Issues Management; Co-interim Vice Chancellor, MarComms

Connection - with one another, with our mission/vision/values, and with those we serve - is critical to the survival of our community and its ability to thrive. I am excited to be a part of helping build connection.

Christopher Miofsky, he/him

Christopher Miofsky, he/him

Associate Director, Fraternity and Sorority Life, Office of Student Engagement, SAIE

Community and values is a cornerstone of our Fraternity and Sorority Life Community so it is a natural fit for us to be part of this important conversation. While we continue to improve our campus, I felt it to be essential that we support the work of this Committee.

Laure Perille headshot photo

Laura Perille, she/her

Executive Director, 4D Experience

C+V aligns very closely with the 4D Experience - Belonging and community are pivotal to sustaining it. Holistic learning and development and the activation of a person's full, authentic self may only happen if they feel seen, valued, and included. I'm excited to collaborate to advance those goals to foster a culture in which everyone sees themselves.

Detric Robinson-Miller, Ph.D. headshot photo

Detric Robinson-Miller, Ph.D., he/him

Director of Residential Education, Housing & Residential Education

I have always believed that you should be able to bring your authentic self to work. This means creating and contributing to an environment where everyone has the opportunity to feel a sense of belonging. This has to be a collaborative element that expands into every facet of a university community. Being a part of this committee allows me to contribute to this goal by elevating voices in conversations and helping to facilitate initiatives that aim to bring our community together.

Julia Senecal headshot photo

Julia Senecal, she/her

Assistant Director, Center for Sustainability; Adjunct Faculty, GSSW Project Manager, Institute for Human-Animal Connection

I joined because I am a big believer in the power of community, solidarity, and collective creativity & wisdom. Together, we can co-create systems and ways of being that are truly regenerative for our DU community, greater Denver community, and the rest of the planet.

Andrea Smith headshot photo

Andrea Smith, she/her/ella

Alumni Representative, DULAA (DU Latinx Alumni Affinity) Co-Chair, Alumni Council Member

I am a strong believer that creating an inclusive and welcoming community will increase alumni engagement, improve the college experience for BIPOC students as well as the recruitment and retention of BIPOC faculty and staff. I am passionate about community building and providing welcoming spaces, especially for the BIPOC communities, both on campus and within the Denver Latinx community.

Mia Sundstrom headshot photo

Mia Sundstrom

Assistant Coach, University of Denver Gymnastics

I think C+V plays a huge role in fostering a strong culture on the DU campus and our community, and I find it to be a very valuable vehicle to bring to life the strategic vision of the University. I've had a tremendous experience at DU which motivates me to serve in this role. I'm honored to be part of the committee!

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C+V Steering Committee Member

I have been working with the University for a number of years and truly value the connections that I've been able to make across campus. I am passionate about building connections in all areas of life and this is the perfect opportunity to help others engage with one another and build a sense of community on campus where I haven't always had during my time here.

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C+V Steering Committee Member

I appreciate the sense of connection and belonging working with C+V provides. I think it's important to create a culture of collaboration and C+V offers those opportunities regularly for DU staff, faculty and students.

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C+V Steering Committee Member

I joined the committee because I care deeply about creating a campus environment that meets the needs of many diverse populations and that centers inclusion and belonging and as an opportunity to connect with great campus partners at DU on shared goals and initiatives.

C+V Steering Committee Members

Alison Staudinger
Director of Faculty Development & Career Advancement
Office of the Vice Provost for Faculty Affairs

Allison Riola
Chief of Staff
Chancellor's Office

Andrea Groth
Employee Experience Coach
Human Resources & Inclusive Community

Andrea Smith, BA '85; JD '98
Alumni Representative
DULAA (DU Latinx Alumni Affinity) Co-Chair and Alumni Council Member

Angelika Achoy
MBA Student, DCB DEI Grad Student Committee
Graduate Research Assistant, GSSW

Berfîn Kalayci
C+V Graduate Fellow
M.A. International Human Rights, JKSIS

Beth Goad
Associate Director
Driscoll & Community Commons

Brian Schreckinger
Director of Operations
Community & Driscoll Commons

Brianna Culberson
Director of Marketing & Events
Conferences & Events Services

Chris Roby
Assistant Vice Chancellor
Student Engagement & 4D Experience

Christopher Miofsky
Associate Director, Fraternity and Sorority Life
Office of Student Engagement

Detric Robinson-Miller, Ph.D.
Director of Residential Education
Housing and Residential Education

Emma Anderson
C+V Graduate Fellow
M.S. Management, DCB

Fatima Rezaie
Project Manager
Government Relations and Community Affairs

Feben Berhe
Deputy Equal Opportunity Coordinator/Senior Investigator
Office of Equal Opportunity & Title IX (EOIX)

Jeff Banks
Vice Chancellor
Human Resources & Inclusive Community

Julia Senecal
Assistant Director of the Center for Sustainability
Adjunct Faculty, Institute for Human-Animal Connection

Kadijha Kuanda
C+V Graduate Fellow
M.A. International Human Rights, JKSIS

Kim-Chi Pham
C+V Graduate Fellow
Ph.D. Developmental Psychology, CAHSS

Dr. Krystoff Kissoon
Assistant Director of Social Justice Education, Social Justice Education (SJE)
Dean of Students Office, Student Affairs and Inclusive Excellence

Laura Perille
Executive Director
4D Experience

Lauren Hammond
Associate Vice Chancellor, DEI Academic Engagement
Division of Diversity, Equity & Inclusion

Lindsay Anderson
Executive Director, Regional Advancement & Volunteer Engagement
Office of Advancement

Meg Dimsa
Executive Director of Strategy and Communication
Student Affairs & Inclusive Excellence

Meriel Hughes
Associate Vice Chancellor, University Development
Office of Advancement

Mia Sundstrom
Assistant Coach
University of Denver Gymnastics

MJ Hyde
Student Body President
Undergraduate Student Government (USG)

Nathan Willers
Director of Communications, NSM 
President, Staff Advisory Council

Olivia Daigle
C+V Graduate Fellow
M.A. International Human Rights, JKSIS

Pia Denby
Graduate Fellow for Fraternity and Sorority Life

Racheal Aragon
Director of The Cultural Center for BIPOC Student Success
Dean of Students Office, Student Affairs and Inclusive Excellence

Renée Botta
President, Faculty Senate
Associate Professor, Media, Film and Journalism Studies

Shahira Qudrat
Director, HR Operations & Data Analytics
Human Resources & Inclusive Community

Shira Good
Associate Vice Chancellor of Communications & Issues Management;
Co-interim Vice Chancellor, Division of Marketing & Communications

Stephanie O'Malley
Associate Vice Chancellor
Government Relations and Community Affairs

Tyler Michael
Director of Student Engagement
Graduate Student Government (GSG)